Data dictionary

A list of available variables within the GALH datasets, along with their corresponding definitions and explanations of their meanings, serving as a valuable resource for data analysts to ensure consistency in terminology and facilitate accurate interpretations.

Data available for monitoring, evaluation and (d)HL
Country The name of the country in the EU or Beyond where the monitoring or evaluation of levels of (d) HL study was conducted
Population The population that the monitoring of (d) HL studies reach
First Author The first author listed in the publication from which the data was extracted
Scale Monitoring and evaluation tools, methods, and frameworks in (d)HL that are validated and published in peer-reviewed journals; they measure/quantify individuals’ (d)HL (9) and organisations’ HL and (d)HL environments covering different target populations and services (See list of SCALES e.g., the HLS-EU questionnaire, the eHL Assessment toolkit (eHLA) and the eHL Questionnaire (eHLQ), HLQ, BRIEF, etc). A health literacy scale is a standardized questionnaire or survey designed to capture various aspects of health literacy, such as the ability to understand and use health information, navigate healthcare systems, and make informed decisions about health. These scales typically consist of a series of questions or statements that respondents rate or respond to, providing quantitative data on their health literacy abilities. Health literacy scales are valuable in research, evaluation, and intervention efforts, helping to identify gaps, track progress, and tailor interventions to improve health literacy and promote better health outcomes. The GALH compiles different types of scales that measure (d)HL, to see a complete description of the scale and how it is implemented you could either see the reference and read the study where it was applied or visit the Health Literacy Tool Shed ( (Boston University, 2023) where you can find detailed information on HL scales.
Coverage The coverage of the findings and conclusions on (d)HL and HL levels of the monitoring studies based on the sample size, design and recruitment method. (Limited country coverage or good country coverage).
Note The note section provides a condensed overview of information derived from analyzing monitoring levels of (d)HL. It is presented in a concise format using to emphasize key points. However, it is recommended to refer to the full text for a comprehensive understanding of the studies' scope. Moreover, it is advisable to read Buhl Povlsen M, Brun Thorup C, Schack Thoft D, Korsbakke Emtekær Hæsum L, Valkama K, Uitto M, et al. D1.1. Report on (d)HL WP1 . IDEAHL; This ensures a more complete grasp of the subject matter and enables a deeper comprehension of the topic at hand. The notes provided are derived from four distinct literature review analyses and are presented in various formats. Some notes include details such as the design of the intervention, its objectives, the intended audience, barriers and facilitators, and key factors. Additionally, certain notes also offer insights into the practical implications and monitoring considerations, while others provide a concise narrative description of the topic.
Data available for best practice, policy, interventions and initiatives
Country The name of the country in the EU or Beyond where the intervention, initiative, practice or policy is or has been conducted.
Title The name of the intervention, initiative, practice or policy.
Lead Organisation The name of the main organisation or coordinating entity that lead or developed the intervention, initiative, practice or policy in (d) HL
First Author The first author listed in the publication from which the data was extracted
Other authors Other authors listed in the publication from which the data was extracted
Year (start) The start date of the intervention, initiative, practice or policy in (d)HL
Year (last) The end date of the intervention, initiative, practice or policy in (d)HL
Status The status of the intervention, initiative, practice or policy in (d) HL: ongoing, active, completed, published.
HL, dHL, (d)HL, other The literacy addressed by the intervention, initiative, practice, or policy: Health Literacy, digital health literacy, both or other literacies.
International/National/Regional/local The geographical scope of the intervention, initiative, practice or policy in (d)HL
Public/Private A public intervention is one that is initiated, funded, or overseen by a government or public sector entity. It is typically aimed at addressing public needs or societal issues and is funded through public resources.: A private intervention is initiated, funded, or operated by private entities, such as industry, non-profit organisations, or individual practitioners
Type report, book, PhD dissertation, health plan, blog, web, project, validation study, efectiviness study, randomized controlled study, mixed-methods study, cross-sectional study, other
Age group The age group that the intervention, initiative, practice or policy target (Adults, Children, adolescents, Seniors, general)
Target Group The group level that the intervention, initiative, practice or policy reach (citizens, students, health workforce, patients, other)
Level The level that the intervention, initiative, practice or policy reach (individual, family, community, group, society, organisational)
Sector The sector that the intervention, initiative, practice or policy relate to (Academia, Education, Industry, Public Health, Health, Promotion, Nutrition, other)
Tool, measure or scale The tool, scale or measure mentioned in the intervention, initiative, practice or policy to conduct measurements of (d)HL
Champion Champions = Professionals, services, organisations, municipalities, regions, etc. that published a peer reviewed article in a scientific journal providing evidence of success with initiatives (best practices) in relation to (d)HL ie: the initiatives showed improvement of levels of HL with pre test and post test measurement
Reference The reference provides essential information about the source from which the data has been extracted, allowing readers to locate and access the referenced material.
Note The note section provides a condensed overview of information derived from analyzing best practices, interventions, policies, and initiatives. It is presented in a concise format using bullet points to emphasize key points. However, it is recommended to refer to the full text, websites, or reports for a comprehensive understanding of the interventions' scope. Moreover, it is advisable to read Buhl Povlsen M, Brun Thorup C, Schack Thoft D, Korsbakke Emtekær Hæsum L, Valkama K, Uitto M, et al. D1.1. Report on (d)HL WP1 . IDEAHL; This ensures a more complete grasp of the subject matter and enables a deeper comprehension of the topic at hand. The notes provided are derived from four distinct literature review analyses and are presented in various formats. Some notes include details such as the design of the intervention, its objectives, the intended audience, barriers and facilitators, and key factors. Additionally, certain notes also offer insights into the practical implications and monitoring considerations, while others provide a concise narrative description of the topic.